Whatever your week's been like, or your life's been like, whatever you look like—whether you believe what we believe, or even if you vehemently disagree—in the name of Jesus Christ we'd love to welcome you to our church this weekend.
Back To Basics
Simplifying Our Faith
One of the largest problems facing the Church is the amount of young people who have left the Church or want nothing to do with it. In a 2020 Gallup poll, 58% of baby boomers attended church while only 36% of millennials do. While it may be too early to tell about Gen Z and Alpha, the trend is not going in the right direction. And I don’t need to tell you the danger of losing an entire generations of Christians. But it’s my pastoral opinion and experience that young people aren’t leaving the church because of anything wrong with their faith, they are leaving because there is something wrong with ours. Join us this Sunday as we continue Back to Basics at 9:30 and 11!